What does a psychiatrist do?

Psychiatry is a discipline that deals with the biological foundations of mental illness. Treatment is based on a detailed diagnosis and usually involves a variety of medications. For some mental disorders (such as panic disorder or depression), combination therapy is often used by professionals: the patient also receives psychotherapeutic help and medication.

In case of what problems should we consult a psychiatrist?

Where can I get this medical specialty?

Common psychiatric problems

Panic disorder – Typically begins between the ages of 20-30 and is much more common among women. The direct cause of a panic attack is unknown, but it is common for a patient to be under increased stress for a long time or to have a patient in some difficult, critical life situation (e.g. divorce, death in the family). During a seizure, the symptoms reach their maximum intensity in minutes, the seizure itself usually lasts 10-20 minutes. The symptoms may be: palpitations, sweating, tremors, shortness of breath, chest tightness, dizziness, fainting, nausea, etc., which may cause increased fear / death fear.

Depression – Sometimes everyone can be sad or upset, it’s natural; that is why depression is often not recognized. Common symptoms, persistently depressed mood and lethargy. In addition, a person with depression often suffers from sleep disturbances, physical weakness, difficulty moving and is more tiring. Eating habits may also change, both anorexia and increased appetite may occur.

Panic disorder and depression can be effectively cured, but it is a slow process. 50-60% of depressed patients who do not receive appropriate treatment may experience another phase of depression within one year.